Bible Language


1 עָלָה H5927 מֵפִיץ H6327 עַל H5921 PREP ־ CPUN פָּנַיִךְ H6440 נָצוֹר H5341 מְצֻרָה H4694 צַפֵּה H6822 ־ CPUN דֶרֶךְ H1870 חַזֵּק H2388 מָתְנַיִם H4975 אַמֵּץ H553 כֹּחַ H3581 CMS מְאֹֽד H3966 ADV ׃ EPUN
2 כִּי H3588 CONJ שָׁב H7725 VQQ3MS יְהוָה H3068 EDS אֶת H853 PART ־ CPUN גְּאוֹן H1347 CMS יַעֲקֹב H3290 כִּגְאוֹן H1347 יִשְׂרָאֵל H3478 כִּי H3588 CONJ בְקָקוּם H1238 בֹּֽקְקִים H1238 וּזְמֹרֵיהֶם H2156 שִׁחֵֽתוּ H7843 ׃ EPUN
3 מָגֵן H4043 NMS גִּבֹּרֵיהוּ H1368 מְאָדָּם H119 אַנְשֵׁי H376 CMP ־ CPUN חַיִל H2428 NMS מְתֻלָּעִים H8529 בְּאֵשׁ H784 ־ CPUN פְּלָדוֹת H6393 הָרֶכֶב H7393 בְּיוֹם H3117 B-NMS הֲכִינוֹ H3559 וְהַבְּרֹשִׁים H1265 הָרְעָֽלוּ H7477 ׃ EPUN
4 בַּֽחוּצוֹת H2351 יִתְהוֹלְלוּ H1984 הָרֶכֶב H7393 יִֽשְׁתַּקְשְׁקוּן H8264 בָּרְחֹבוֹת H7339 BD-NFP מַרְאֵיהֶן H4758 כַּלַּפִּידִם H3940 כַּבְּרָקִים H1300 יְרוֹצֵֽצוּ H7323 ׃ EPUN
5 יִזְכֹּר H2142 אַדִּירָיו H117 יִכָּשְׁלוּ H3782 בהלכותם H1979 יְמַֽהֲרוּ H4116 חֽוֹמָתָהּ H2346 וְהֻכַן H3559 הַסֹּכֵֽךְ H5526 ׃ EPUN
6 שַׁעֲרֵי H8179 CMP הַנְּהָרוֹת H5104 נִפְתָּחוּ H6605 וְהַֽהֵיכָל H1964 נָמֽוֹג H4127 ׃ EPUN
7 וְהֻצַּב H5324 גֻּלְּתָה H1540 הֹֽעֲלָתָה H5927 וְאַמְהֹתֶיהָ H519 מְנַֽהֲגוֹת H5090 כְּקוֹל H6963 יוֹנִים H3123 מְתֹפְפֹת H8608 עַל H5921 PREP ־ CPUN לִבְבֵהֶֽן H3824 ׃ EPUN
8 וְנִינְוֵה H5210 כִבְרֵֽכַת H1295 ־ CPUN מַיִם H4325 OMD מִימֵי H3117 הִיא H1931 PPRO-3FS וְהֵמָּה H1992 נָסִים H5127 עִמְדוּ H5975 עֲמֹדוּ H5975 וְאֵין H369 W-NPAR מַפְנֶֽה H6437 ׃ EPUN
9 בֹּזּוּ H962 כֶסֶף H3701 בֹּזּוּ H962 זָהָב H2091 NMS וְאֵין H369 W-NPAR קֵצֶה H7097 לַתְּכוּנָה H8498 כָּבֹד H3519 מִכֹּל H3605 M-CMS כְּלִי H3627 CMS חֶמְדָּֽה H2532 ׃ EPUN
10 בּוּקָה H950 וּמְבוּקָה H4003 וּמְבֻלָּקָה H1110 וְלֵב H3820 W-CMS נָמֵס H4549 וּפִק H6375 בִּרְכַּיִם H1290 וְחַלְחָלָה H2479 בְּכָל H3605 B-CMS ־ CPUN מָתְנַיִם H4975 וּפְנֵי H6440 W-CMP כֻלָּם H3605 קִבְּצוּ H6908 פָארֽוּר H6289 ׃ EPUN
11 אַיֵּה H346 IGAT מְעוֹן H4583 אֲרָיוֹת H738 וּמִרְעֶה H4829 הוּא H1931 PPRO-3MS לַכְּפִרִים H3715 אֲשֶׁר H834 RPRO הָלַךְ H1980 VQQ3MS אַרְיֵה H738 NMS לָבִיא H3833 NMS שָׁם H8033 ADV גּוּר H1482 אַרְיֵה H738 NMS וְאֵין H369 W-NPAR מַחֲרִֽיד H2729 ׃ EPUN
12 אַרְיֵה H738 NMS טֹרֵף H2963 בְּדֵי H1767 B-CMS גֹֽרוֹתָיו H1484 וּמְחַנֵּק H2614 לְלִבְאֹתָיו H3833 וַיְמַלֵּא H4390 ־ CPUN טֶרֶף H2964 חֹרָיו H2356 וּמְעֹֽנֹתָיו H4585 טְרֵפָֽה H2966 ׃ EPUN
13 הִנְנִי H2005 IJEC-1MS אֵלַיִךְ H413 נְאֻם H5002 יְהוָה H3068 EDS צְבָאוֹת H6635 וְהִבְעַרְתִּי H1197 בֶֽעָשָׁן H6227 רִכְבָּהּ H7393 וּכְפִירַיִךְ H3715 תֹּאכַל H398 VQY2MS חָרֶב H2719 NFS וְהִכְרַתִּי H3772 מֵאֶרֶץ H776 M-NFS טַרְפֵּךְ H2964 וְלֹֽא H3808 W-NPAR ־ CPUN יִשָּׁמַע VNY3MS עוֹד H5750 ADV קוֹל H6963 CMS מַלְאָכֵֽכֵה H4397 ׃ EPUN ס CPUN
1 He that dasheth in pieces H6327 is come up H5927 before H5921 PREP thy face H6440 : keep H5341 the munition H4694 , watch H6822 the way H1870 , make thy loins strong H2388 , fortify H553 thy power H3581 CMS mightily H3966 ADV .
2 For H3588 CONJ the LORD H3068 EDS hath turned away H7725 VQQ3MS the excellency H1347 CMS of Jacob H3290 , as the excellency H1347 of Israel H3478 : for H3588 CONJ the emptiers H1238 have emptied H1238 them out , and marred H7843 their vine branches H2156 .
3 The shield H4043 NMS of his mighty men H1368 is made red H119 , the valiant H2428 NMS men H376 CMP are in scarlet H8529 : the chariots H7393 shall be with flaming H784 torches H6393 in the day H3117 B-NMS of his preparation H3559 , and the fir trees H1265 shall be terribly shaken H7477 .
4 The chariots H7393 shall rage H1984 in the streets H2351 , they shall jostle one against another H8264 in the broad ways H7339 BD-NFP : they shall seem H4758 like torches H3940 , they shall run H7323 like the lightnings H1300 .
5 He shall recount H2142 his worthies H117 : they shall stumble H3782 in their walk H1979 ; they shall make haste H4116 to the wall H2346 thereof , and the defense H5526 shall be prepared H3559 .
6 The gates H8179 CMP of the rivers H5104 shall be opened H6605 , and the palace H1964 shall be dissolved H4127 .
7 And Huzzab H5324 shall be led away captive H1540 , she shall be brought up H5927 , and her maids H519 shall lead H5090 her as with the voice H6963 of doves H3123 , taboring H8608 upon H5921 PREP their breasts H3824 .
8 But Nineveh H5210 is of old H3117 like a pool H1295 of water H4325 OMD : yet they H1992 shall flee away H5127 . Stand H5975 , stand H5975 , shall they cry ; but none H369 W-NPAR shall look back H6437 .
9 Take ye the spoil H962 of silver H3701 , take the spoil H962 of gold H2091 NMS : for there is none H369 W-NPAR end H7097 of the store H8498 and glory H3519 out of all H3605 M-CMS the pleasant H2532 furniture H3627 CMS .
10 She is empty H950 , and void H4003 , and waste H1110 : and the heart H3820 W-CMS melteth H4549 , and the knees H1290 smite together H6375 , and much pain H2479 is in all H3605 B-CMS loins H4975 , and the faces H6440 W-CMP of them all H3605 gather H6908 blackness H6289 .
11 Where H346 IGAT is the dwelling H4583 of the lions H738 , and the feeding place H4829 of the young lions H3715 , where H834 RPRO the lion H738 NMS , even the old lion H3833 NMS , walked H1980 VQQ3MS , and the lion H738 NMS \'s whelp H1482 , and none H369 W-NPAR made them afraid H2729 ?
12 The lion H738 NMS did tear in pieces H2963 enough H1767 B-CMS for his whelps H1484 , and strangled H2614 for his lionesses H3833 , and filled H4390 his holes H2356 with prey H2964 , and his dens H4585 with ravin H2966 .
13 Behold H2009 , I am against H413 thee , saith H5002 the LORD H3068 EDS of hosts H6635 , and I will burn H1197 her chariots H7393 in the smoke H6227 , and the sword H2719 NFS shall devour H398 VQY2MS thy young lions H3715 : and I will cut off H3772 thy prey H2964 from the earth H776 M-NFS , and the voice H6963 CMS of thy messengers H4397 shall no H3808 W-NPAR more H5750 ADV be heard H8085 .