Bible Versions
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1 יְשֻׂשׂוּם H7797 מִדְבָּר H4057 NMS וְצִיָּה H6723 וְתָגֵל H1523 עֲרָבָה H6160 NFS וְתִפְרַח H6524 כַּחֲבַצָּֽלֶת H2261 ׃ EPUN
2 פָּרֹחַ H6524 תִּפְרַח H6524 וְתָגֵל H1523 אַף H637 CONJ גִּילַת H1525 וְרַנֵּן H7442 כְּבוֹד H3519 הַלְּבָנוֹן H3844 נִתַּן H5414 ־ CPUN לָהּ CPUN הֲדַר H1926 הַכַּרְמֶל H3760 וְהַשָּׁרוֹן H8289 הֵמָּה H1992 PPRO-3MP יִרְאוּ H7200 VQY3MP כְבוֹד H3519 ־ CPUN יְהוָה H3068 EDS הֲדַר H1926 אֱלֹהֵֽינוּ H430 ׃ EPUN ס CPUN
3 חַזְּקוּ H2388 יָדַיִם H3027 NFD רָפוֹת H7504 AFP וּבִרְכַּיִם H1290 W-NFD כֹּשְׁלוֹת H3782 אַמֵּֽצוּ H553 ׃ EPUN
4 אִמְרוּ H559 לְנִמְהֲרֵי H4116 ־ CPUN לֵב H3820 NMS חִזְקוּ H2388 אַל H408 NPAR ־ CPUN תִּירָאוּ H3372 הִנֵּה H2009 IJEC אֱלֹֽהֵיכֶם H430 NAME-4MP נָקָם H5359 יָבוֹא H935 VQY3MS גְּמוּל H1576 אֱלֹהִים H430 EDP הוּא H1931 PPRO-3MS יָבוֹא H935 VQY3MS וְיֹשַׁעֲכֶֽם H3467 ׃ EPUN
5 אָז H227 ADV תִּפָּקַחְנָה H6491 עֵינֵי H5869 CMD עִוְרִים H5787 וְאָזְנֵי H241 חֵרְשִׁים H2795 תִּפָּתַֽחְנָה H6605 ׃ EPUN
6 אָז H227 ADV יְדַלֵּג H1801 כָּֽאַיָּל H354 פִּסֵּחַ H6455 וְתָרֹן H7442 לְשׁוֹן H3956 L-CMS אִלֵּם H483 כִּֽי H3588 CONJ ־ CPUN נִבְקְעוּ H1234 VNQ3MP בַמִּדְבָּר H4057 מַיִם H4325 OMD וּנְחָלִים H5158 בָּעֲרָבָֽה H6160 ׃ EPUN
7 וְהָיָה H1961 W-VQQ3MS הַשָּׁרָב H8273 לַאֲגַם H98 וְצִמָּאוֹן H6774 לְמַבּוּעֵי H4002 מָיִם H4325 NMD בִּנְוֵה H5116 תַנִּים H8577 רִבְצָהּ H7258 חָצִיר H2682 NMS לְקָנֶה H7070 וָגֹֽמֶא H1573 ׃ EPUN
8 וְהָיָה H1961 W-VQQ3MS ־ CPUN שָׁם H8033 ADV מַסְלוּל H4547 וָדֶרֶךְ H1870 W-NMS וְדֶרֶךְ H1870 W-NMS הַקֹּדֶשׁ H6944 יִקָּרֵא H7121 VNY3MS לָהּ CPUN לֹֽא H3808 ADV ־ CPUN יַעַבְרֶנּוּ H5674 טָמֵא H2931 וְהוּא H1931 W-PPRO-3MS ־ CPUN לָמוֹ CPUN הֹלֵךְ H1980 דֶּרֶךְ H1870 W-NMS וֶאֱוִילִים H191 לֹא H3808 NADV יִתְעֽוּ H8582 ׃ EPUN
9 לֹא H3808 NADV ־ CPUN יִהְיֶה H1961 VQY3MS שָׁם H8033 ADV אַרְיֵה H738 NMS וּפְרִיץ H6530 חַיּוֹת H2416 בַּֽל H1077 ־ CPUN יַעֲלֶנָּה H5927 לֹא H3808 NADV תִמָּצֵא H4672 VNY3FS שָׁם H8033 ADV וְהָלְכוּ H1980 W-VQQ3MP גְּאוּלִֽים H1350 ׃ EPUN
10 וּפְדוּיֵי H6299 יְהוָה H3068 EDS יְשֻׁבוּן H7725 VQY3MP-3FP וּבָאוּ H935 צִיּוֹן H6726 בְּרִנָּה H7440 וְשִׂמְחַת H8057 W-CFS עוֹלָם H5769 NMS עַל H5921 PREP ־ CPUN רֹאשָׁם H7218 שָׂשׂוֹן H8342 וְשִׂמְחָה H8057 יַשִּׂיגוּ H5381 VHY3MP וְנָסוּ H5127 יָגוֹן H3015 וַאֲנָחָֽה H585 ׃ EPUN פ CPUN
1 The wilderness H4057 and the solitary place H6723 shall be glad H7797 for them ; and the desert H6160 shall rejoice, H1523 and blossom H6524 as the rose. H2261
2 It shall blossom abundantly H6524 H6524 , and rejoice H1523 even H637 with joy H1525 and singing: H7442 the glory H3519 of Lebanon H3844 shall be given H5414 unto it , the excellency H1926 of Carmel H3760 and Sharon, H8289 they H1992 shall see H7200 the glory H3519 of the LORD, H3068 and the excellency H1926 of our God. H430
3 Strengthen H2388 ye the weak H7504 hands, H3027 and confirm H553 the feeble H3782 knees. H1290
4 Say H559 to them that are of a fearful H4116 heart, H3820 Be strong, H2388 fear H3372 not: H408 behold, H2009 your God H430 will come H935 with vengeance, H5359 even God H430 with a recompense; H1576 he H1931 will come H935 and save H3467 you.
5 Then H227 the eyes H5869 of the blind H5787 shall be opened, H6491 and the ears H241 of the deaf H2795 shall be unstopped. H6605
6 Then H227 shall the lame H6455 man leap H1801 as a hart, H354 and the tongue H3956 of the dumb H483 sing: H7442 for H3588 in the wilderness H4057 shall waters H4325 break out, H1234 and streams H5158 in the desert. H6160
7 And the parched ground H8273 shall become H1961 a pool, H98 and the thirsty land H6774 springs H4002 of water: H4325 in the habitation H5116 of dragons, H8565 where each lay, H7258 shall be grass H2682 with reeds H7070 and rushes. H1573
8 And a highway H4547 shall be H1961 there, H8033 and a way, H1870 and it shall be called H7121 The way H1870 of holiness; H6944 the unclean H2931 shall not H3808 pass over H5674 it ; but it H1931 shall be for those : the wayfaring men H1980 H1870 , though fools, H191 shall not H3808 err H8582 therein .
9 No H3808 lion H738 shall be H1961 there, H8033 nor H1077 any ravenous H6530 beast H2416 shall go up H5927 thereon , it shall not H3808 be found H4672 there; H8033 but the redeemed H1350 shall walk H1980 there :
10 And the ransomed H6299 of the LORD H3068 shall return, H7725 and come H935 to Zion H6726 with songs H7440 and everlasting H5769 joy H8342 upon H5921 their heads: H7218 they shall obtain H5381 joy H8342 and gladness, H8057 and sorrow H3015 and sighing H585 shall flee away. H5127
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