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1 לְֽתַאֲוָה H8378 יְבַקֵּשׁ H1245 נִפְרָד H6504 בְּכָל H3605 B-CMS ־ CPUN תּוּשִׁיָּה H8454 NFS יִתְגַּלָּֽע H1566 ׃ EPUN
2 לֹֽא H3808 ADV ־ CPUN יַחְפֹּץ H2654 VQY3MS כְּסִיל H3684 NMS בִּתְבוּנָה H8394 כִּי H3588 CONJ אִֽם H518 PART ־ CPUN בְּהִתְגַּלּוֹת H1540 לִבּֽוֹ H3820 CMS-3MS ׃ EPUN
3 בְּֽבוֹא H935 ־ CPUN רָשָׁע H7563 AMS בָּא H935 VQPMS גַם H1571 CONJ ־ CPUN בּוּז H937 NMS וְֽעִם H5973 ־ CPUN קָלוֹן H7036 NMS חֶרְפָּֽה H2781 ׃ EPUN
4 מַיִם H4325 OMD עֲמֻקִּים H6013 דִּבְרֵי H1697 CMP פִי H6310 CMS-1MS ־ CPUN אִישׁ H376 NMS נַחַל H5158 NMS נֹבֵעַ H5042 מְקוֹר H4726 חָכְמָֽה H2451 NFS ׃ EPUN
5 שְׂאֵת H5375 VQFC פְּנֵי H6440 CMP ־ CPUN רָשָׁע H7563 AMS לֹא H3808 NADV ־ CPUN טוֹב H2896 AMS לְהַטּוֹת H5186 צַדִּיק H6662 AMS בַּמִּשְׁפָּֽט H4941 BD-NMS ׃ EPUN
6 שִׂפְתֵי H8193 כְסִיל H3684 יָבֹאֽוּ H935 בְרִיב H7379 וּפִיו H6310 לְֽמַהֲלֻמוֹת H4112 יִקְרָֽא H7121 ׃ EPUN
7 פִּֽי H6310 ־ CPUN כְסִיל H3684 מְחִתָּה H4288 ־ CPUN לוֹ L-PPRO-3MS וּשְׂפָתָיו H8193 מוֹקֵשׁ H4170 נַפְשֽׁוֹ H5315 CFS-3MS ׃ EPUN
8 דִּבְרֵי H1697 CMP נִרְגָּן H5372 כְּמִֽתְלַהֲמִים H3859 וְהֵם H1992 W-PPRO-3MP יָרְדוּ H3381 חַדְרֵי H2315 ־ CPUN בָֽטֶן H990 ׃ EPUN
9 גַּם H1571 CONJ מִתְרַפֶּה H7503 בִמְלַאכְתּוֹ H4399 אָח H251 NMS הוּא H1931 PPRO-3MS לְבַעַל H1167 מַשְׁחִֽית H7843 ׃ EPUN
10 מִגְדַּל H4026 ־ CPUN עֹז H5797 NMS שֵׁם H8034 CMS יְהוָה H3068 EDS בּֽוֹ ־ CPUN יָרוּץ H7323 VQY3MS צַדִּיק H6662 AMS וְנִשְׂגָּֽב H7682 ׃ EPUN
11 הוֹן H1952 NMS עָשִׁיר H6223 AMS קִרְיַת H7151 עֻזּוֹ H5797 וּכְחוֹמָה H2346 נִשְׂגָּבָה H7682 בְּמַשְׂכִּיתֽוֹ H4906 ׃ EPUN
12 לִפְנֵי H6440 L-CMP ־ CPUN שֶׁבֶר H7667 יִגְבַּהּ H1361 לֵב H3820 NMS ־ CPUN אִישׁ H376 NMS וְלִפְנֵי H6440 L-CMP כָבוֹד H3519 עֲנָוָֽה H6038 ׃ EPUN
13 מֵשִׁיב H7725 VHPMS דָּבָר H1697 VQPMS בְּטֶרֶם H2962 B-ADV יִשְׁמָע אִוֶּלֶת H200 הִיא H1931 PPRO-3FS ־ CPUN לוֹ L-PPRO-3MS וּכְלִמָּֽה H3639 ׃ EPUN
14 רֽוּחַ H7307 W-GFS ־ CPUN אִישׁ H376 NMS יְכַלְכֵּל H3557 מַחֲלֵהוּ H4245 וְרוּחַ H7307 W-GFS נְכֵאָה H5218 מִי H4310 IPRO יִשָּׂאֶֽנָּה H5375 ׃ EPUN
15 לֵב H3820 NMS נָבוֹן H995 יִקְנֶה H7069 ־ CPUN דָּעַת H1847 NFS וְאֹזֶן H241 חֲכָמִים H2450 AMP תְּבַקֶּשׁ H1245 ־ CPUN דָּֽעַת H1847 ׃ EPUN
16 מַתָּן H4976 אָדָם H120 NMS יַרְחִיב H7337 לוֹ L-PPRO-3MS וְלִפְנֵי H6440 WL-CMP גְדֹלִים H1419 יַנְחֶֽנּוּ H5148 ׃ EPUN
17 צַדִּיק H6662 AMS הָרִאשׁוֹן H7223 בְּרִיבוֹ H7379 יבא H935 ־ CPUN רֵעֵהוּ H935 וַחֲקָרֽוֹ H2713 ׃ EPUN
18 מִדְיָנִים H4079 יַשְׁבִּית H7673 הַגּוֹרָל H1486 D-NMS וּבֵין H996 W-PREP עֲצוּמִים H6099 יַפְרִֽיד H6504 ׃ EPUN
19 אָח H251 NMS נִפְשָׁע H6586 מִקִּרְיַת H7151 ־ CPUN עֹז H5797 NMS ומדונים H4066 כִּבְרִיחַ H1280 אַרְמֽוֹן H759 ׃ EPUN
20 מִפְּרִי H6529 M-CMS פִי H6310 CMS-1MS ־ CPUN אִישׁ H376 NMS תִּשְׂבַּע H7646 בִּטְנוֹ H990 תְּבוּאַת H8393 שְׂפָתָיו H8193 CFD-3MS יִשְׂבָּֽע H7646 ׃ EPUN
21 מָוֶת H4194 NMS וְחַיִּים H2416 W-NMP בְּיַד H3027 B-CFS ־ CPUN לָשׁוֹן H3956 NMS וְאֹהֲבֶיהָ H157 יֹאכַל H398 VQY3MS פִּרְיָֽהּ H6529 ׃ EPUN
22 מָצָא H4672 VQPMS אִשָּׁה H802 NFS מָצָא H4672 VQPMS טוֹב H2896 AMS וַיָּפֶק H6329 רָצוֹן H7522 מֵיְהוָֽה H3068 ׃ EPUN
23 תַּחֲנוּנִים H8469 NMP יְדַבֶּר H1696 VPY3MS ־ CPUN רָשׁ H7326 וְעָשִׁיר H6223 יַעֲנֶה H6030 VQY3MS עַזּֽוֹת H5794 ׃ EPUN
24 אִישׁ H376 NMS רֵעִים H7453 NMP לְהִתְרֹעֵעַ H7489 וְיֵשׁ H3426 אֹהֵב H157 דָּבֵק H1695 מֵאָֽח H251 ׃ EPUN
1 Through desire H8378 a man , having separated himself, H6504 seeketh H1245 and intermeddleth H1566 with all H3605 wisdom. H8454
2 A fool H3684 hath no H3808 delight H2654 in understanding, H8394 but H3588 H518 that his heart H3820 may discover itself. H1540
3 When the wicked H7563 cometh, H935 then cometh H935 also H1571 contempt, H937 and with H5973 ignominy H7036 reproach. H2781
4 The words H1697 of a man's H376 mouth H6310 are as deep H6013 waters, H4325 and the wellspring H4726 of wisdom H2451 as a flowing H5042 brook. H5158
5 It is not H3808 good H2896 to accept H5375 the person H6440 of the wicked, H7563 to overthrow H5186 the righteous H6662 in judgment. H4941
6 A fool's H3684 lips H8193 enter H935 into contention, H7379 and his mouth H6310 calleth H7121 for strokes. H4112
7 A fool's H3684 mouth H6310 is his destruction, H4288 and his lips H8193 are the snare H4170 of his soul. H5315
8 The words H1697 of a talebearer H5372 are as wounds, H3859 and they H1992 go down H3381 into the innermost parts H2315 of the belly. H990
9 He H1931 also H1571 that is slothful H7503 in his work H4399 is brother H251 to him that is a great H1167 waster. H4889
10 The name H8034 of the LORD H3068 is a strong H5797 tower: H4026 the righteous H6662 runneth H7323 into it , and is safe. H7682
11 The rich man's H6223 wealth H1952 is his strong H5797 city, H7151 and as a high H7682 wall H2346 in his own conceit. H4906
12 Before H6440 destruction H7667 the heart H3820 of man H376 is haughty, H1361 and before H6440 honor H3519 is humility. H6038
13 He that answereth H7725 a matter H1697 before H2962 he heareth H8085 it , it H1931 is folly H200 and shame H3639 unto him.
14 The spirit H7307 of a man H376 will sustain H3557 his infirmity; H4245 but a wounded H5218 spirit H7307 who H4310 can bear H5375 ?
15 The heart H3820 of the prudent H995 getteth H7069 knowledge; H1847 and the ear H241 of the wise H2450 seeketh H1245 knowledge. H1847
16 A man's H120 gift H4976 maketh room H7337 for him , and bringeth H5148 him before H6440 great H1419 men.
17 He that is first H7223 in his own cause H7379 seemeth just; H6662 but his neighbor H7453 cometh H935 and searcheth H2713 him.
18 The lot H1486 causeth contentions H4079 to cease, H7673 and parteth H6504 between H996 the mighty. H6099
19 A brother H251 offended H6586 is harder to be won than a strong H5797 city H4480 H7151 : and their contentions H4079 are like the bars H1280 of a castle. H759
20 A man's H376 belly H990 shall be satisfied H7646 with the fruit H4480 H6529 of his mouth; H6310 and with the increase H8393 of his lips H8193 shall he be filled. H7646
21 Death H4194 and life H2416 are in the power H3027 of the tongue: H3956 and they that love H157 it shall eat H398 the fruit H6529 thereof.
22 Whoso findeth H4672 a wife H802 findeth H4672 a good H2896 thing , and obtaineth H6329 favor H7522 of the LORD H4480 H3068 .
23 The poor H7326 useth H1696 entreaties; H8469 but the rich H6223 answereth H6030 roughly. H5794
24 A man H376 that hath friends H7453 must show himself friendly: H7489 and there is H3426 a friend H157 that sticketh closer H1695 than a brother H4480 H251 .
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