Bible Versions
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1 לַמְנַצֵּחַ H5329 מִזְמוֹר H4210 לְדָוִד H1732 L-NAME שִֽׁיר H7892 ׃ EPUN לְךָ L-PPRO-2MS דֻֽמִיָּה H1747 תְהִלָּה H8416 אֱלֹהִים H430 EDP בְּצִיּוֹן H6726 וּלְ/ךָ CPUN יְשֻׁלַּם H7999 ־ CPUN נֶֽדֶר H5088 ׃ EPUN
2 שֹׁמֵעַ תְּפִלָּה H8605 עָדֶיךָ H5704 PREP-2MS כָּל H3605 NMS ־ CPUN בָּשָׂר H1320 NMS יָבֹֽאוּ H935 ׃ EPUN
3 דִּבְרֵי H1697 CMP עֲוֺנֹת H5771 גָּבְרוּ H1396 VQQ3MP מֶנִּי H4480 PREP-1MS פְּשָׁעֵינוּ H6588 אַתָּה H859 PPRO-2MS תְכַפְּרֵֽם H3722 ׃ EPUN
4 אַשְׁרֵי H835 CMP ׀ PUNC תִּֽבְחַר H977 וּתְקָרֵב H7126 יִשְׁכֹּן H7931 VQY3MS חֲצֵרֶיךָ H2691 נִשְׂבְּעָה H7646 בְּטוּב H2898 בֵּיתֶךָ H1004 קְדֹשׁ H6918 הֵיכָלֶֽךָ H1964 ׃ EPUN
5 נוֹרָאוֹת H3372 ׀ CPUN בְּצֶדֶק H6664 תַּעֲנֵנוּ H6030 אֱלֹהֵי H430 CDP יִשְׁעֵנוּ H3468 מִבְטָח H4009 כָּל H3605 NMS ־ CPUN קַצְוֵי H7099 ־ CPUN אֶרֶץ H776 GFS וְיָם H3220 W-NMS רְחֹקִֽים H7350 ׃ EPUN
6 מֵכִין H3559 הָרִים H2022 NMP בְּכֹחוֹ H3581 B-CMS-3MS נֶאְזָר H247 בִּגְבוּרָֽה H1369 ׃ EPUN
7 מַשְׁבִּיחַ H7623 ׀ PUNC שְׁאוֹן H7588 יַמִּים H3220 NMP שְׁאוֹן H7588 גַּלֵּיהֶם H1530 וַהֲמוֹן H1995 לְאֻמִּֽים H3816 ׃ EPUN
8 וַיִּירְאוּ H3372 ׀ CPUN יֹשְׁבֵי H3427 קְצָוֺת H7098 מֵאוֹתֹתֶיךָ H226 מוֹצָֽאֵי H4161 ־ CPUN בֹקֶר H1242 NUM-MS וָעֶרֶב H6153 תַּרְנִֽין H7442 ׃ EPUN
9 פָּקַדְתָּ H6485 הָאָרֶץ H776 D-GFS ׀ CPUN וַתְּשֹׁקְקֶהָ H7783 רַבַּת H7227 תַּעְשְׁרֶנָּה H6238 פֶּלֶג H6388 אֱלֹהִים H430 EDP מָלֵא H4390 VQQ3MS מָיִם H4325 NMD תָּכִין H3559 VHY3FS דְּגָנָם H1715 כִּי H3588 CONJ ־ CPUN כֵן H3651 ADV תְּכִינֶֽהָ H3559 ׃ EPUN
10 תְּלָמֶיהָ H8525 CMP-3FS רַוֵּה H7301 נַחֵת H5181 גְּדוּדֶיהָ H1417 בִּרְבִיבִים H7241 תְּמֹגְגֶנָּה H4127 צִמְחָהּ H6780 תְּבָרֵֽךְ H1288 ׃ EPUN
11 עִטַּרְתָּ H5849 שְׁנַת H8141 טוֹבָתֶךָ H2896 וּמַעְגָּלֶיךָ H4570 יִרְעֲפוּן H7491 דָּֽשֶׁן H1880 ׃ EPUN
12 יִרְעֲפוּ H7491 VQY3MP נְאוֹת H4999 מִדְבָּר H4057 NMS וְגִיל H1524 גְּבָעוֹת H1389 תַּחְגֹּֽרְנָה H2296 ׃ EPUN
13 לָבְשׁוּ H3847 כָרִים H3733 ׀ CPUN הַצֹּאן H6629 וַעֲמָקִים H6010 יַֽעַטְפוּ H5848 ־ CPUN בָר H1250 יִתְרוֹעֲעוּ H7321 אַף H637 CONJ ־ CPUN יָשִֽׁירוּ H7891 ׃ EPUN
1 To the chief Musician H5329 , A Psalm H4210 and Song H7892 of David H1732 L-NAME . Praise H8416 waiteth H1747 for thee , O God H430 EDP , in Zion H6726 : and unto thee shall the vow H5088 be performed H7999 .
2 O thou that hearest H8085 prayer H8605 , unto H5704 PREP-2MS thee shall all H3605 NMS flesh H1320 NMS come H935 .
3 Iniquities H1697 CMP prevail H1396 VQQ3MP against H4480 PREP-1MS me : as for our transgressions H6588 , thou H859 PPRO-2MS shalt purge them away H3722 .
4 Blessed H835 CMP is the man whom thou choosest H977 , and causest to approach H7126 unto thee , that he may dwell H7931 VQY3MS in thy courts H2691 : we shall be satisfied H7646 with the goodness H2898 of thy house H1004 , even of thy holy H6918 temple H1964 .
5 By terrible things H3372 in righteousness H6664 wilt thou answer H6030 us , O God H430 CDP of our salvation H3468 ; who art the confidence H4009 of all H3605 NMS the ends H7099 of the earth H776 GFS , and of them that are afar off H7350 upon the sea H3220 W-NMS :
6 Which by his strength H3581 B-CMS-3MS setteth fast H3559 the mountains H2022 NMP ; being girded H247 with power H1369 :
7 Which stilleth H7623 the noise H7588 of the seas H3220 NMP , the noise H7588 of their waves H1530 , and the tumult H1995 of the people H3816 .
8 They also that dwell H3427 in the uttermost parts H7098 are afraid H3372 at thy tokens H226 : thou makest the outgoings H4161 of the morning H1242 NUM-MS and evening H6153 to rejoice H7442 .
9 Thou visitest H6485 the earth H776 D-GFS , and waterest H7783 it : thou greatly H7227 enrichest H6238 it with the river H6388 of God H430 EDP , which is full H4390 VQQ3MS of water H4325 NMD : thou preparest H3559 VHY3FS them corn H1715 , when H3588 CONJ thou hast so H3651 ADV provided H3559 for it .
10 Thou waterest the ridges H8525 CMP-3FS thereof abundantly H7301 : thou settlest H5181 the furrows H1417 thereof : thou makest it soft H4127 with showers H7241 : thou blessest H1288 the springing H6780 thereof .
11 Thou crownest H5849 the year H8141 with thy goodness H2896 ; and thy paths H4570 drop H7491 fatness H1880 .
12 They drop H7491 VQY3MP upon the pastures H4999 of the wilderness H4057 NMS : and the little hills H1389 rejoice H1524 on every side H2296 .
13 The pastures H3733 are clothed H3847 with flocks H6629 ; the valleys H6010 also are covered over H5848 with corn H1250 ; they shout for joy H7321 , they also H637 CONJ sing H7891 .
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