Bible Versions
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1 וַיַּעַן H6030 W-VQY3MS אִיּוֹב H347 EMS וַיֹּאמַֽר H559 W-VQY3MS ׃ EPUN
2 אָמְנָם H551 CONJ כִּי H3588 CONJ אַתֶּם H859 PPRO-2MS ־ CPUN עָם H5971 NMS וְעִמָּכֶם H5973 W-PREP-2MS תָּמוּת H4191 VQY3FS חָכְמָֽה H2451 NFS ׃ EPUN
3 גַּם H1571 CONJ ־ CPUN לִי L-PPRO-1MS לֵבָב H3824 NMS ׀ CPUN כְּֽמוֹכֶם H3644 PREP-2MP לֹא H3808 NADV ־ CPUN נֹפֵל H5307 VQPMS אָנֹכִי H595 PPRO-1MS מִכֶּם H4480 M-PPRO-2MS וְאֶת H854 W-PART ־ CPUN מִי H4310 IPRO ־ CPUN אֵין H369 NPAR כְּמוֹ H3644 PREP ־ CPUN אֵֽלֶּה H428 DPRO ׃ EPUN
4 שְׂחֹק H7814 CMS לְרֵעֵהוּ H7453 L-CMS-3MS ׀ PUNC אֶֽהְיֶה H1961 VQY1MS קֹרֵא H7121 VQPMS לֶאֱלוֹהַּ H433 L-NMS וַֽיַּעֲנֵהוּ H6030 W-VQY3MS שְׂחוֹק H7814 NMS צַדִּיק H6662 AMS תָּמִֽים H8549 AMS ׃ EPUN
5 לַפִּיד H3940 LD-NMS בּוּז H937 NMS לְעַשְׁתּוּת H6248 L-CFS שַׁאֲנָן H7600 AMS נָכוֹן H3559 NMS לְמוֹעֲדֵי H4571 L-VQCMP רָֽגֶל H7272 NFS ׃ EPUN
6 יִשְׁלָיוּ H7951 VQY3MP אֹֽהָלִים H168 NMP ׀ PUNC לְשֹׁדְדִים H7703 L-VHCMP וּֽבַטֻּחוֹת H987 W-NFP לְמַרְגִּיזֵי H7264 L-VHCMP אֵל H410 EDS לַאֲשֶׁר H834 L-RPRO הֵבִיא H935 VHQ3MS אֱלוֹהַּ H433 NAME-4MS בְּיָדֽוֹ H3027 B-CFS-3MS ׃ EPUN
7 וְֽאוּלָם H199 W-ADV שְׁאַל H7592 VQI2MS ־ CPUN נָא H4994 IJEC בְהֵמוֹת H929 NFP וְתֹרֶךָּ H3384 W-VHY3FS-2MS וְעוֹף H5775 NMS הַשָּׁמַיִם H8064 D-NMD וְיַגֶּד H5046 W-VHI3MS ־ CPUN לָֽךְ L-PPRO-2FS ׃ EPUN
8 אוֹ H176 CONJ שִׂיחַ H7878 VQI2MS לָאָרֶץ H776 LD-NFS וְתֹרֶךָּ H3384 W-VHY3FS-2MS וִֽיסַפְּרוּ H5608 W-VPY3MP לְךָ L-PPRO-2MS דְּגֵי H1709 CMP הַיָּֽם H3220 D-NMS ׃ EPUN
9 מִי H4310 IPRO לֹא H3808 NADV ־ CPUN יָדַע H3045 VQQ3MS בְּכָל H3605 B-CMS ־ CPUN אֵלֶּה H428 PMP כִּי H3588 CONJ יַד H3027 CFS ־ CPUN יְהוָה H3068 EDS עָשְׂתָה H6213 VQQ3MS זֹּֽאת H2063 DPRO ׃ EPUN
10 אֲשֶׁר H834 RPRO בְּיָדוֹ H3027 B-CFS-3MS נֶפֶשׁ H5315 GFS כָּל H3605 NMS ־ CPUN חָי H2416 AMS וְרוּחַ H7307 W-GFS כָּל H3605 NMS ־ CPUN בְּשַׂר H1320 CMS ־ CPUN אִֽישׁ H376 NMS ׃ EPUN
11 הֲלֹא H3808 I-NADV ־ CPUN אֹזֶן H241 NFS מִלִּין H4405 NFP תִּבְחָן H974 VQY3FS וְחֵךְ H2441 W-NMS אֹכֶל H400 NMS יִטְעַם H2938 VQY3MS ־ CPUN לֽוֹ L-PPRO-3MS ׃ EPUN
12 בִּֽישִׁישִׁים H3453 B-AMP חָכְמָה H2451 NFS וְאֹרֶךְ H753 W-CMS יָמִים H3117 NMP תְּבוּנָֽה H8394 NFS ׃ EPUN
13 עִמּוֹ H5973 PREP-3MS חָכְמָה H2451 NFS וּגְבוּרָה H1369 W-NFS לוֹ L-PPRO-3MS עֵצָה H6098 NFS וּתְבוּנָֽה H8394 W-NFS ׃ EPUN
14 הֵן H2005 IJEC יַהֲרוֹס H2040 VQY3MS וְלֹא H3808 W-NPAR יִבָּנֶה H1129 VNY3MS יִסְגֹּר H5462 VQY3MS עַל H5921 PREP ־ CPUN אִישׁ H376 NMS וְלֹא H3808 W-NPAR יִפָּתֵֽחַ H6605 VNY3MS ׃ EPUN
15 הֵן H2005 IJEC יַעְצֹר H6113 VQY3MS בַּמַּיִם H4325 BD-NMP וְיִבָשׁוּ H3001 W-VQY3MP וִֽישַׁלְּחֵם H7971 W-VPY3MS וְיַהַפְכוּ H2015 W-VQY3MP אָֽרֶץ H776 GFS ׃ EPUN
16 עִמּוֹ H5973 PREP-3MS עֹז H5797 NMS וְתֽוּשִׁיָּה H8454 W-NFS לוֹ L-PPRO-3MS שֹׁגֵג H7683 VQPMS וּמַשְׁגֶּֽה H7686 W-VHPMS ׃ EPUN
17 מוֹלִיךְ H1980 VHPMS יוֹעֲצִים H3289 VQPMS שׁוֹלָל H7758 AMS וְֽשֹׁפְטִים H8199 W-VQPMP יְהוֹלֵֽל H1984 VPY3MS ׃ EPUN
18 מוּסַר H4148 CMS מְלָכִים H4428 NMP פִּתֵּחַ H6605 VPQ3MS וַיֶּאְסֹר H631 W-VQY3MS אֵזוֹר H232 NMS בְּמָתְנֵיהֶֽם H4975 B-CMD-3MP ׃ EPUN
19 מוֹלִיךְ H1980 VHPMS כֹּהֲנִים H3548 NMP שׁוֹלָל H7758 AMS וְאֵֽתָנִים H386 W-NMS יְסַלֵּֽף H5557 VPYMS ׃ EPUN
20 מֵסִיר H5493 VHPMS שָׂפָה H8193 NFS לְנֶאֱמָנִים H539 L-VNPMP וְטַעַם H2940 W-CMS זְקֵנִים H2205 AMP יִקָּֽח H3947 VQY3MS ׃ EPUN
21 שׁוֹפֵךְ H8210 VQPMS בּוּז H937 NMS עַל H5921 PREP ־ CPUN נְדִיבִים H5081 AMP וּמְזִיחַ H4206 W-CMS אֲפִיקִים H650 NMP רִפָּֽה H7503 VPQ3MS ׃ EPUN
22 מְגַלֶּה H1540 VPPMS עֲמֻקוֹת H6013 AFP מִנִּי H4480 PREP-1MS ־ CPUN חֹשֶׁךְ H2822 NMS וַיֹּצֵא H3318 W-VHY3MS לָאוֹר H216 L-OMS צַלְמָֽוֶת H6757 NMS ׃ EPUN
23 מַשְׂגִּיא H7679 VHPMS לַגּוֹיִם H1471 LD-NMP וַֽיְאַבְּדֵם H6 W-VPY3MS שֹׁטֵחַ H7849 VQPMS לַגּוֹיִם H1471 LD-NMP וַיַּנְחֵֽם H5148 W-VHY3MS ׃ EPUN
24 מֵסִיר H5493 VHPMS לֵב H3820 NMS רָאשֵׁי H7218 CMP עַם H5971 NMS ־ CPUN הָאָרֶץ H776 D-GFS וַיַּתְעֵם H8582 W-VHY3MS-3MP בְּתֹהוּ H8414 B-NMS לֹא H3808 NADV ־ CPUN דָֽרֶךְ H1870 NMS ׃ EPUN
25 יְמַֽשְׁשׁוּ H4959 VPY3MP ־ CPUN חֹשֶׁךְ H2822 NMS וְלֹא H3808 W-NPAR ־ CPUN אוֹר H216 NMS וַיַּתְעֵם H8582 W-VHY3MS-3MP כַּשִּׁכּֽוֹר H7910 KD-AMS ׃ EPUN
1 And Job H347 answered H6030 and said, H559
2 No doubt H551 but H3588 ye H859 are the people, H5971 and wisdom H2451 shall die H4191 with H5973 you.
3 But H1571 I have understanding H3824 as well as you; H3644 I H595 am not H3808 inferior H5307 to H4480 you: yea, H854 who H4310 knoweth not H369 such things as these H3644 H428 ?
4 I am H1961 as one mocked H7814 of his neighbor, H7453 who calleth H7121 upon God, H433 and he answereth H6030 him : the just H6662 upright H8549 man is laughed to scorn. H7814
5 He that is ready H3559 to slip H4571 with his feet H7272 is as a lamp H3940 despised H937 in the thought H6248 of him that is at ease. H7600
6 The tabernacles H168 of robbers H7703 prosper, H7951 and they that provoke H7264 God H410 are secure; H987 into whose H834 hand H3027 God H433 bringeth H935 abundantly .
7 But H199 ask H7592 now H4994 the beasts, H929 and they shall teach H3384 thee ; and the fowls H5775 of the air, H8064 and they shall tell H5046 thee:
8 Or H176 speak H7878 to the earth, H776 and it shall teach H3384 thee : and the fishes H1709 of the sea H3220 shall declare H5608 unto thee.
9 Who H4310 knoweth H3045 not H3808 in all H3605 these H428 that H3588 the hand H3027 of the LORD H3068 hath wrought H6213 this H2063 ?
10 In whose H834 hand H3027 is the soul H5315 of every H3605 living thing, H2416 and the breath H7307 of all H3605 mankind H1320 H376 .
11 Doth not H3808 the ear H241 try H974 words H4405 ? and the mouth H2441 taste H2938 his meat H400 ?
12 With the ancient H3453 is wisdom; H2451 and in length H753 of days H3117 understanding. H8394
13 With H5973 him is wisdom H2451 and strength, H1369 he hath counsel H6098 and understanding. H8394
14 Behold H2005 , he breaketh down, H2040 and it cannot H3808 be built again: H1129 he shutteth up H5462 H5921 a man, H376 and there can be no opening H6605 H3808 .
15 Behold H2005 , he withholdeth H6113 the waters, H4325 and they dry up: H3001 also he sendeth them out, H7971 and they overturn H2015 the earth. H776
16 With H5973 him is strength H5797 and wisdom: H8454 the deceived H7683 and the deceiver H7686 are his.
17 He leadeth H1980 counselors H3289 away spoiled, H7758 and maketh the judges H8199 fools. H1984
18 He looseth H6605 the bond H4148 of kings, H4428 and girdeth H631 their loins H4975 with a girdle. H232
19 He leadeth H1980 princes H3548 away spoiled, H7758 and overthroweth H5557 the mighty. H386
20 He removeth away H5493 the speech H8193 of the trusty, H539 and taketh away H3947 the understanding H2940 of the aged. H2205
21 He poureth H8210 contempt H937 upon H5921 princes, H5081 and weakeneth H7503 the strength H4206 of the mighty. H650
22 He discovereth H1540 deep things H6013 out of H4480 darkness, H2822 and bringeth out H3318 to light H216 the shadow of death. H6757
23 He increaseth H7679 the nations, H1471 and destroyeth H6 them : he enlargeth H7849 the nations, H1471 and straiteneth H5148 them again .
24 He taketh away H5493 the heart H3820 of the chief H7218 of the people H5971 of the earth, H776 and causeth them to wander H8582 in a wilderness H8414 where there is no H3808 way. H1870
25 They grope H4959 in the dark H2822 without H3808 light, H216 and he maketh them to stagger H8582 like a drunken H7910 man .
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