Bible Versions
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1 בֵּן H1121 NMS חָכָם H2450 AMS מוּסַר H4148 CMS אָב H1 NMS וְלֵץ H3887 לֹא H3808 NADV ־ CPUN שָׁמַע גְּעָרָֽה H1606 ׃ EPUN
2 מִפְּרִי H6529 M-CMS פִי H6310 CMS-1MS ־ CPUN אִישׁ H376 NMS יֹאכַל H398 VQY3MS טוֹב H2896 AMS וְנֶפֶשׁ H5315 W-GFS בֹּגְדִים H898 חָמָֽס H2555 AMS ׃ EPUN
3 נֹצֵר H5341 VQPMS פִּיו H6310 שֹׁמֵר H8104 נַפְשׁוֹ H5315 NMS-3MS פֹּשֵׂק H6589 שְׂפָתָיו H8193 CFD-3MS מְחִתָּה H4288 ־ CPUN לֽוֹ L-PPRO-3MS ׃ EPUN
4 מִתְאַוָּה H183 וָאַיִן H369 W-NPAR נַפְשׁוֹ H5315 W-GFS עָצֵל H6102 וְנֶפֶשׁ H5315 W-GFS חָרֻצִים H2742 תְּדֻשָּֽׁן H1878 ׃ EPUN
5 דְּבַר H1697 CMS ־ CPUN שֶׁקֶר H8267 NMS יִשְׂנָא H8130 צַדִּיק H6662 AMS וְרָשָׁע H7563 W-AMS יַבְאִישׁ H887 וְיַחְפִּֽיר H2659 ׃ EPUN
6 צְדָקָה H6666 NFS תִּצֹּר H5341 תָּם H8537 ־ CPUN דָּרֶךְ H1870 וְרִשְׁעָה H7564 תְּסַלֵּף H5557 חַטָּֽאת H2403 ׃ EPUN
7 יֵשׁ H3426 PART מִתְעַשֵּׁר H6238 וְאֵין H369 W-NPAR כֹּל H3605 NMS מִתְרוֹשֵׁשׁ H7326 וְהוֹן H1952 רָֽב H7227 AMS ׃ EPUN
8 כֹּפֶר H3724 NMS נֶֽפֶשׁ H5315 ־ CPUN אִישׁ H376 NMS עָשְׁרוֹ H6239 וְרָשׁ H7326 לֹא H3808 NADV ־ CPUN שָׁמַע גְּעָרָֽה H1606 ׃ EPUN
9 אוֹר H216 NMS ־ CPUN צַדִּיקִים H6662 AMP יִשְׂמָח H8055 וְנֵר H5216 רְשָׁעִים H7563 AMP יִדְעָֽךְ H1846 VQY3MS ׃ EPUN
10 רַק H7535 ADV ־ CPUN בְּזָדוֹן H2087 יִתֵּן H5414 VHFA מַצָּה H4683 וְאֶת H854 W-PART ־ CPUN נוֹעָצִים H3289 חָכְמָֽה H2451 NFS ׃ EPUN
11 הוֹן H1952 NMS מֵהֶבֶל H1892 יִמְעָט H4591 וְקֹבֵץ H6908 עַל H5921 PREP ־ CPUN יָד H3027 NFS יַרְבֶּֽה H7235 ׃ EPUN
12 תּוֹחֶלֶת H8431 מְמֻשָּׁכָה H4900 מַחֲלָה H2470 ־ CPUN לֵב H3820 NMS וְעֵץ H6086 W-NMS חַיִּים H2416 NMP תַּאֲוָה H8378 בָאָֽה H935 ׃ EPUN
13 בָּז H936 לְדָבָר H1697 יֵחָבֶל H2254 לוֹ L-PPRO-3MS וִירֵא H3373 W-AMS מִצְוָה H4687 הוּא H1931 PPRO-3MS יְשֻׁלָּֽם H7999 ׃ EPUN
14 תּוֹרַת H8451 CFS חָכָם H2450 AMS מְקוֹר H4726 חַיִּים H2416 NMP לָסוּר H5493 מִמֹּקְשֵׁי H4170 M-CMP מָֽוֶת H4194 NMS ׃ EPUN
15 שֵֽׂכֶל H7922 ־ CPUN טוֹב H2896 AMS יִתֶּן H5414 VQY3MS ־ CPUN חֵן H2580 NMS וְדֶרֶךְ H1870 W-NMS בֹּגְדִים H898 אֵיתָֽן H386 ׃ EPUN
16 כָּל H3605 NMS ־ CPUN עָרוּם H6175 AMS יַעֲשֶׂה H6213 VQY3MS בְדָעַת H1847 וּכְסִיל H3684 יִפְרֹשׂ H6566 VQY3MS אִוֶּֽלֶת H200 ׃ EPUN
17 מַלְאָךְ H4397 NMS רָשָׁע H7563 AMS יִפֹּל H5307 VQY3MS בְּרָע H7451 וְצִיר H6735 אֱמוּנִים H529 מַרְפֵּֽא H4832 ׃ EPUN
18 רֵישׁ H7389 וְקָלוֹן H7036 פּוֹרֵעַ H6544 מוּסָר H4148 וְשׁוֹמֵר H8104 תּוֹכַחַת H8433 CFS יְכֻבָּֽד H3513 ׃ EPUN
19 תַּאֲוָה H8378 נִהְיָה H1961 תֶּעֱרַב H6149 לְנָפֶשׁ H5315 וְתוֹעֲבַת H8441 כְּסִילִים H3684 NMP סוּר H5493 VQI2MS מֵרָֽע H7451 M-AMS ׃ EPUN
20 הלוך H1980 אֶת H854 PREP ־ CPUN חֲכָמִים H2450 AMP וחכם H2449 וְרֹעֶה H7462 כְסִילִים H3684 יֵרֽוֹעַ H7321 ׃ EPUN
21 חַטָּאִים H2400 AMP תְּרַדֵּף H7291 רָעָה H7451 AFS וְאֶת H853 W-PART ־ CPUN צַדִּיקִים H6662 AMP יְשַׁלֶּם H7999 VPY3MS ־ CPUN טֽוֹב H2896 AMS ׃ EPUN
22 טוֹב H2896 AMS יַנְחִיל H5157 בְּנֵֽי H1121 ־ CPUN בָנִים H1121 NMP וְצָפוּן H6845 לַצַּדִּיק H6662 חֵיל H2428 חוֹטֵֽא H2398 ׃ EPUN
23 רָב H7230 ־ CPUN אֹכֶל H400 NMS נִיר H5215 רָאשִׁים H7326 וְיֵשׁ H3426 נִסְפֶּה H5595 בְּלֹא H3808 B-NPAR מִשְׁפָּֽט H4941 NMS ׃ EPUN
24 חוֹשֵׂךְ H2820 שִׁבְטוֹ H7626 CMS-3MS שׂוֹנֵא H8130 VQCMS בְנוֹ H1121 וְאֹהֲבוֹ H157 שִֽׁחֲרוֹ H7836 מוּסָֽר H4148 ׃ EPUN
25 צַדִּיק H6662 AMS אֹכֵל H398 לְשֹׂבַע H7648 נַפְשׁוֹ H5315 NMS-3MS וּבֶטֶן H990 רְשָׁעִים H7563 AMP תֶּחְסָֽר H2637 ׃ EPUN פ CPUN
1 A wise H2450 son H1121 heareth his father's H1 instruction: H4148 but a scorner H3887 heareth H8085 not H3808 rebuke. H1606
2 A man H376 shall eat H398 good H2896 by the fruit H4480 H6529 of his mouth: H6310 but the soul H5315 of the transgressors H898 shall eat violence. H2555
3 He that keepeth H5341 his mouth H6310 keepeth H8104 his life: H5315 but he that openeth wide H6589 his lips H8193 shall have destruction. H4288
4 The soul H5315 of the sluggard H6102 desireth, H183 and hath nothing: H369 but the soul H5315 of the diligent H2742 shall be made fat. H1878
5 A righteous H6662 man hateth H8130 lying H1697 H8267 : but a wicked H7563 man is loathsome, H887 and cometh to shame. H2659
6 Righteousness H6666 keepeth H5341 him that is upright H8537 in the way: H1870 but wickedness H7564 overthroweth H5557 the sinner. H2403
7 There is H3426 that maketh himself rich, H6238 yet hath nothing H369 H3605 : there is that maketh himself poor, H7326 yet hath great H7227 riches. H1952
8 The ransom H3724 of a man's H376 life H5315 are his riches: H6239 but the poor H7326 heareth H8085 not H3808 rebuke. H1606
9 The light H216 of the righteous H6662 rejoiceth: H8055 but the lamp H5216 of the wicked H7563 shall be put out. H1846
10 Only H7535 by pride H2087 cometh H5414 contention: H4683 but with H854 the well advised H3289 is wisdom. H2451
11 Wealth H1952 gotten by vanity H4480 H1892 shall be diminished: H4591 but he that gathereth H6908 by H5921 labor H3027 shall increase. H7235
12 Hope H8431 deferred H4900 maketh the heart H3820 sick: H2470 but when the desire H8378 cometh, H935 it is a tree H6086 of life. H2416
13 Whoso despiseth H936 the word H1697 shall be destroyed: H2254 but he H1931 that feareth H3373 the commandment H4687 shall be rewarded. H7999
14 The law H8451 of the wise H2450 is a fountain H4726 of life, H2416 to depart H5493 from the snares H4480 H4170 of death. H4194
15 Good H2896 understanding H7922 giveth H5414 favor: H2580 but the way H1870 of transgressors H898 is hard. H386
16 Every H3605 prudent H6175 man dealeth H6213 with knowledge: H1847 but a fool H3684 layeth open H6566 his folly. H200
17 A wicked H7563 messenger H4397 falleth H5307 into mischief: H7451 but a faithful H529 ambassador H6735 is health. H4832
18 Poverty H7389 and shame H7036 shall be to him that refuseth H6544 instruction: H4148 but he that regardeth H8104 reproof H8433 shall be honored. H3513
19 The desire H8378 accomplished H1961 is sweet H6149 to the soul: H5315 but it is abomination H8441 to fools H3684 to depart H5493 from evil H4480 H7451 .
20 He that walketh H1980 with H854 wise H2450 men shall be wise: H2449 but a companion H7462 of fools H3684 shall be destroyed. H7321
21 Evil H7451 pursueth H7291 sinners: H2400 but to the righteous H6662 good H2896 shall be repaid. H7999
22 A good H2896 man leaveth an inheritance H5157 to his children's H1121 children: H1121 and the wealth H2428 of the sinner H2398 is laid up H6845 for the just. H6662
23 Much H7230 food H400 is in the tillage H5215 of the poor: H7326 but there is H3426 that is destroyed H5595 for want H3808 of judgment. H4941
24 He that spareth H2820 his rod H7626 hateth H8130 his son: H1121 but he that loveth H157 him chasteneth H4148 him quickly. H7836
25 The righteous H6662 eateth H398 to the satisfying H7648 of his soul: H5315 but the belly H990 of the wicked H7563 shall want. H2637
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